
It's taken a while but the most eagerly awaited blog of our generation is finally up and running.

Who am I?

I'm an Irishman applying my trade in the UK capital and the proud owner of the biggest couch and TV in Europe. The name London Brodge is the product of fusing an old school nickname with a fine part of my adopted city. Genius.

What do I write about?

- Stand-out PR campaigns
If you're doing something great for a brand let me know

- Cool stuff
Specifically what I deem to be cool (provides some creative license to veer outside the strict parameters of the blog...it's my blog, I can do what I like)

- Ad Reel
This documents my favourite adverts - be it on TV, in newspapers, posters, etc - and can be from any era. I watched a LOT of TV in the 1990s

